
Architectural Design, Documentation + Contract Administration

Architectural Design, Documentation + Contract Administration


Design, Documentation + Contract Administration

The practice provides clients with a holistic design service across the six traditional project stages; brief development, schematic design, design development, contract documentation, tender and contract administration for a broad variety of building classesThreadgold Architecture is committed to architectural excellence and a high level of professional service whether the intent is to traditionally tender your project to a short-list of builders, or you have already made a choice of your preferred builder.  Strict budgetary control measures are applied across all stages of design to ensure a project is cost effective and within budget.  The practice has demonstrated expertise in a wide range of building classes, including:

  • upmarket individual homes
  • multi-residential developments
  • mixed-use developments
  • community and medical centres
  • retail and office developments
  • refurbishments


The practice has had specialist industry training in General Conditions of Contract AS2124-1992, ABIC building contracts and AS1428 for the contract administration of building projects and reduction in legal liability in accord with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.



Brief Development

The practice formulates a written brief which is a summary of all the relevant information relating to the proposed building; including, survey information, site analysis, relationship diagrams, local planning scheme and policies, micro and macro climatic considerations, client objectives and spatial needs, material palette and budgetary constraints, architectural aspirations et al.

Analysis and interpretation of detailed discussions and interviews of clients/occupants inform the team to assist in the preparation of a concept plan.  The concept plan evolves through periodic meetings and open design reviews.

Schematic Design

When client approval is obtained on the eventual concept plan, the drawings are worked up through a rigorous process to develop a schematic design which includes dimensioned plans and elevations that are suitable for obtaining a development approval by the local government.  During this stage, legislative issues to be  considered include property zoning and proposed building use, boundary setbacks and height restrictions, plot ratio, overshadowing of adjoining properties, car parking (including access and egress), building servicing locations, energy efficiency and any heritage matters.  All relevant planning and building legislation is considered at this stage, which includes; local planning scheme and planning policies, National Construction Code (NCC) and referenced Australian Standards et al.

Threadgold Architecture submits the schematic design and manages all planning officer queries, throughout the advertising period and whether the proposed building is approved at Council level or under delegated authority at planning officer level.


Design Development

Generally, design development is commenced concurrently with the development approval of the schematic design where analysis and interpretation of schematic design against the brief occurs prior to obtaining sub consultant fee proposals.

The geotechnical report and ground conditions are factored into the building design as well as building services which includes allowing floor area and ceiling space for telephone, internet, television, power, water and sewerage services.  During this stage, suitable construction materials and construction techniques are analysed as well cost analysis. Thorough consideration of BAL reporting/fire services, access and egress of occupants and vehicles from the site is thoroughly investigated during design development which involves assessment against the NCC.

During this stage, collation, co-ordination and integration of all the investigative structural and building services information is included prior to contract documentation.

Contract Documentation

By the commencement of contract documentation, all the relevant sub consultants fees have been obtained and approved by the client, who then engages the consultant team to draw and document plans, elevations, sections, schedules, specifications and details of the schematic design.  The final set of architectural drawings are co-ordinated with the project specification and sub-consultant drawings, to obtain a building permit and to call for tender prices from building contractors.  Following the successful tender process, this contract documentation is then issued for construction and construction can begin on-site.  The contract documentation is accurate, dimensioned, thorough and comprehensive to ensure all tenders cost the same scope.  The sub-consultants can include: structural, electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, acoustic, energy efficiency and building surveying.

To expedite the building procurement, Threadgold Architecture typically applies for a building permit with the local government authority prior to calling tenders – this ensures the client/developer has reduced holding costs for the proposed site (e.g. bank interest).  The successful tenderer can collect the pre-approved building permit and pay the associated fees to the local government authority prior to the building contractor taking possession of site.



The traditional method of building procurement by tender is a tried and true method for obtaining value for money as a client/developer.  Prior to issuing tender documents, a suitable building contract should be selected (e.g. ABIC or AS2124-1992), so the successful tenderer understands the scope of its legal obligations during the building works (e.g. liquidated damages).  Both the ABIC and AS2124-1992 provide for an architect to administer the contract as agent.

The tenderers are given a pre-determined amount of time to assess and cost the contract documentation and depending on the size and complexity of a project; the timeframe of three to four weeks would be considered a reasonable amount of time for a building contractor to calculate a cost for the proposed building.  Tenders can be publicly advertised or pre-selected; Building Management and Works continues to tender all state government building projects which illustrates the success of the tender process in achieving cost effective building solutions.  Threadgold Architecture advise the successful tenderer in writing of the client’s acceptance and to complete contracts, with any addenda issued during the tender period, for signing by the client and building contractor.

Contract Administration

Throughout the construction period, Threadgold Architecture is identified as Architect/Superintendent within the building contract to act as the client/principal’s agent to administer and certify payments, inspect building workmanship, issue Architect/Superintendent instructions, approve variations and other relevant actions nominated within the building contract.

We conduct regular site inspections and meetings throughout the construction program until practical completion is reached by the building contractor.  At practical completion, inspection of the building works identifies any sub-standard workmanship which requires rectification, or fixtures and fittings that are faulty and require replacement.  We complete a comprehensive and detailed defects list of items to be rectified by the building contractor during the defects liability period.  This period is generally a twelve month period until a final inspection and final certificate is issued by the Architect/Superintendent.



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