




If you are contemplating building or refurbishing, there are some useful resources available before you commence:


What does an Architect do?

There are numerous advantages of engaging an architect rather than a building designer.  Only Architects are registered by the Architects Board of WA which protects the interests of the client and public.  There is a minimum seven years of study to become an architect and every registered architect is required to continue further study through continuing professional development as required by the Architects Act 2004.  This Act of parliament further stipulates that architects shall carry a minimum of $1M of professional indemnity insurance while in practice.  Buildings designers are not regulated by an Act of parliament, nor required to carry insurance, nor continue professional development studies.

Ref: Architect’s Board of Western Australia

What an Architect does?

Why use an Architect?

Ref: Architeam

Why engage an Architect?

Archicentre Cost Guide

Tradesmen with Heritage Building Experience

Builders with Heritage Building Experience


You and Your Architect

Ref: Australian Institute of Architects (PDF Download)

Environment Design Guide

Property Inspection Report Scope

Guide to Developing Heritage Places

Building Surveying Contractors List

Registered Builders List

Owner Builder Registration

AS3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in bushfire-prone areas

(external site)

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Calculator

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Calculator Simplified Procedure (Method 1)

Ref: Forest and Wood Products Australia

Rainwater Catchment Calculator

Rainwater Catchment Calculator for Rural Zoned Dwellings

Ref: Kingspan Rainwater Catchment Calculator

National Construction Code (NCC)

The Australian Construction market is seeing an increased number of products being imported from China (even entire houses) and whether these products achieve the benchmark requirements of Australian Standards is always the question.  Unfortunately, sometimes the checks and balances happen far too late for some property owners.

Ref: Australian Building Codes Board

Procurement of Construction Products

Burra Charter

Ref: The Burra Charter (PDF Download)



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